Monday, September 17, 2012

My Friend Monday

We all have a "special" friend, someone we have known for years, love like a brother or sister and yet are a little wary of taking them into public.

They are as loyal as an old dog and you know that if you called them at 3 in the morning to help you dispose of a body, they would. Of course you will receive a lecture next to none and a tirade of abuse as well (unless the body is that of your ex), but they would do it.

This is the same relationship I have with Mondays.

I love Monday like an old friend, we have been together as long as I can remember and have shared good and not so good memories. Monday is the puppy that licks your face at 5 in the morning wanting to play, its is also the dog poo you step in in the middle of the night.
Its the girl you loved who broke your heart and the one you will love forever but will never date.
Friday is the pop music of the week while Monday is more of the loud grunge rock you aren't quite in the mood for, its the wrong place at the wrong time.

The misfortune of being born Monday is that it has a responsibility to get you up, kick your bottom out into the street and force you to work to begin a new week. It is the bad parent who has to enforce the discipline even though it would rather play and laugh.
So, perhaps we should embrace Monday and love it a little more, thank it for always being around and knowing that no matter what, Monday will always be on our mind.

Nite All

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