Monday, October 1, 2012

The 3rd Option

I have been away from my girls for 36 days by the time I get back to Johannesburg on Wednesday, that's a long time and add to that the lack of power, which in turn relates to a lack of water and hence no flushing toilet facilities.

Yes I can carry water up 2 flights of stairs for the toilet, but it has an odd metallic chemical taste and I fear that drinking it may lead to the spontaneous  origination of a third nipple or testicle, both which pose dilemmas I do not wish to expose. There is a mental picture I carry in my head of wearing a button up shirt and stretching back as we sometimes do, and lo and behold my middle nipple popping through and scaring all in sight.
The other option is far more graphic and disturbing, picture me running  . . . . better make that walking, slowly on the beach, I become lightheaded from the over exertion and fall over onto my back, legs slightly splayed. Lifeguard rushes in to "save and resuscitate" me, and by accident notices a third lump in my speedo. The third teste phenomena was stated on the coroners docket as my cause of death.
As a matter of interest, how would you walk with a third fella down there? Would you need to seat yourself with more care in lieu of perhaps sitting on one of the three?

This my friends is what goes through my mind whenever our power dies, for the record to date I have no glowing beams emanating from any part of my body so radioactivity can be ruled out.

On that happy note

Nite All


  1. So every time I here your name 2 pictures are gonna pop into my head ... kind of disturbing, but I can try to live with it :|

  2. Lol Ummm thank you I think Anonymous

  3. Ted, you dont have to live in darkest Lesotho to have services problems. Right in urban Northriding we have the same electricity and water supply issues. Overhead power lines so that the smallest breeze switches us off and borehole water which is pumped up by, you guessed it, electricity. So a day of no power is usually followed by a day of no water...

    Speedo! - Even with only two 'lumps' any male outside of primary school should not be wearing one of those.

  4. Lol, I agree Momcat, I threaten my girls with it and the looks of horror are priceless. Perhaps on their last days of school I will fetch them in one

  5. You really are a terror, Ted! And Im sure your daughters adore you for it...
