Thursday, November 15, 2012

Valentines Day

No I am not going mad, it is less than 3 months to Valentines Day and in most cases for lovers young and old this far overrides the Christmas Madness.

I never used to consider the Xmas Factor as an acceptable form of referring to Christmas, but recently I have seen another side to Christmas. For family and friends and lovers is a time to celebrate, spend time together, to share, laugh and create memories to be remembered forever. It is a commercially driven holiday sold with a side dish of Christianity, the red santa figure was created by Coca-Cola and all non-Christians hop on the ride for a free holiday.

Does this worry me? Nope
Why? Because it is a time for me to spend with my girls, reflect on a year passed and hope that I might one day spend it with someone who I love and she in turn loves me.
So am I an athiest or non-Christian?
Again no, my faith is very personal and important to me, Easter is of much more importance to me than Christmas, so I just call it as it is and celebrate it for what it is. Less guilt.
Speaking of guilt, why is it that we rely so heavily on guilt to raise kids, seek attention, enforce religion? Strange isnt it?

But back to Valentines Day, mmmmm a real commercial success story like Xmas and Easter. Bunnies, chocolates, flowers, cards and gifts, billions spent and it supports millions of industries.
Valentines day is a happy day for most, its a day where for a week there is a buzz about as lovers scramble to find something special for their partners, my girls both teenagers have a blast and I share in their excitement as much as I can. If I am not in a relationship, hell I simply buy myself a gift and have a beer or a great glass of red wine.

So as the tunes of BoneyM and panflutes lure you to the shops, enjoy, smile and forget about that perfect figure for a while.

Happy Whatever Day my Friends

Nite All


  1. I hope this doesn't mean you're not going to post again until after February 14th...! Rambling post covering family, love, guilt, commercialism, shopping and maybe 'guilt shopping' but the gist is that we are in charge of how we celebrate the Christmas Season. Everything is commercialised these days as that is the way of the world. There are no rules to follow and if as a family you decide that this is the time of the year for family time and family gatherings as opposed to a mad shopping runaround then that is the way to go. I also prefer a low key Christmas celebration with not too much fuss spent with family and friends.

  2. I will post again Momcat, or is it ramble again lol
