Monday, March 11, 2013

Easter Bunny Rocks

Now I know you have barely recovered from Christmas and for those of you in the most delightful states of togetherness, joined at the lips and hips and still munching on your Valentines Day chocolates, well brace yourselves, the Easter Bunny is coming and he wants your money.

"He knows if you've been shopping
He knows when you're been good
He's gonna come a-hopping
And hide chocolate in the wood
So get up and make some coffee
Or tea with a hot cross bun
There's so much more for you to see
This Easter's gonna be fun

I strolled into my local grocer and he had a tower of Lindt bunnies, all golden and cute and with their little bells, it is frowned upon by both my daughters and the shop attendants when I fall to my knees and laugh hysterically at the sight of Lindt, so I save my expressive artistic cravings for when I am alone.

I also aware that is a very important period in the religious sectors and I respect that, but this about the bunny. 
Why a bunny? 
Well its actually quite simple really and it all goes back a long long time ago.
The owl was asked by the lion who would be delivering the Easter eggs and the owl said, "Hoo, Hoo indeed".
The ostrich tried, but it got sidetracked and kept sitting on them confusing them with its own and they just melted. Then the dodo tried and this would have worked if they hadn't all run of a cliff and died. The monkeys were given a chance and they were brilliant, they climbed and scampered and got in everywhere and would have been given the job if it were not for one minor problem, they refused to give the eggs to anyone.
So what was the lion to do?
Then the owl said, "I know hoo hoo?" "Let the hare be given a chance. He is fast, has excellent hearing and eyesite, he is fast and elusive and can hide in his holes in the ground, he is the one"

And thus it came to be that the bunny came to the sole distributor of the eggs, he opened many franchises and made lots and lots of money and spent it on drugs and died. Oh hang on, that's not true. 

Nite All

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