Saturday, September 4, 2010


There is a place inside of us that we protect, some call it our soul, others our core, our most secret place that very few of us dare to share with anyone. Sometimes we never share it with anyone, it remains so sacred to us that we may live in fear of it ever being revealed.

It is what gives us our ability to make decisions, weigh up consequences and ultimately decide whether our choice is morally and ethically correct. We can justify any decision and argue that it is as it needs to be, yet in this place, here we know the true answer. We cannot deceive ourselves.

When we decide to have children and introduce them into a world where we are essentially regarded as a sensual creature who is entitled to the commercial toys that are dangled in front of us like a puddle lures a 10 year old en route to school in his brand new school shoes, so we are drawn in. We convince one another that we are entitled to it and almost cannot stop ourselves licking our lips as we acquire it, feel it, own it or more accurately let it own us.

We seek inner peace, contentment and somehow we are almost just trying to forgive ourselves for our own transgression against no one but ourselves. Meditation enables us to somehow slow it all down. Let the chaos and panic somehow slow down that we can address certain issues and perhaps understand and put some it in perspective. Peace is the answer, the route to it is entirely your decision, not your partners, not your friends, not your parents and not your priest or spiritual teacher. Ultimately they will all impart knowledge and advice, but the decision is your alone and as such so are the consequences of your decision.

Good night


  1. "...let it own us." Now aint that the truth!? Peace is indeed the answer, and considering Jesus is the Prince of Peace... well you know what I'm going to say - Jesus is the answer. He is the God of peace and only He can dispense the peace of God. Steve preached the other day on Phil 4:4-9 (my favourite passage) and he said something profound - peace isn't the goal, God is the goal so if you make God your point of joy, your point of trust and your point of dependence, then you will have His peace as a by-product. Download the sermon here: (title = "Panic Mechanic - Peace from God").

  2. FABULOUS post!!! i don't even know what else to say, other than just... wow. and, thank-you. :)
