Saturday, December 4, 2010

Life and Memories

What would you do if I sang out of tune
Would you get up and walk out on me?

I have quoted this on so many occasions that it seems to have become a part of my life, I do sing out of tune and man can I sing out of tune well. I have sung in a shower and almost drowned myself, I have gargled with Jack Daniels and lost and have sipped champagne from the lips of a beautiful woman.

Whenever I have found myself in times of trouble, mother Mary comes to me and when I am running on empty, I have wept blood and sweated all along the Watchtower.

At this stage you must be asking what the hell is he trying to say, so let me begin by saying the following, I am not proud of some of the choices I have made and I must answer for them, I have loved and been loved, I have stared into the face of an angel and seen her tears as her guitar gently weeps. I have considered the words of poets when they said, 'If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with' and turned and walked away.
I have crashed vehicles in the town where the streets have no names and have waited for the sunrise with tequila as my only companion, felt my heart stop beating as I held my daughters when they were born and cried as I realised they were really mine and alive. I have held my daughter on two occasions and accepted that it might be last time I would see her alive as she struggled to breathe and was as pale as the desert moon on a winters night.

I have hummed in a cat-scan machine with my eyes closed so I would not panic from claustrophobia and been chased by a tractor while completely sober.

I have told ghost stories around camp fires, cycled on dirt roads so bumpy I could not sit or walk normally for a couple of days.

But all of this I would trade to be with my girls right now, memories are nothing without someone to share it with, one day it shall be different but for now I live for the other week.

Good Night

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