Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Flu for One

Its not as cool or exotic as it sounds, in fact its very similar to calling a middle aged man a bachelor, it is either a choice he made and has as such accepted and content with. On the other hand if you are a bachelor because of divorce or death or some other fate that life has dealt you, then it has a completely different connotation altogether.

Being ill in a family enviroment brings back memories of people checking up on you, tucking you in your bed and smells of coffee, home made soup and a faithful dog next to your bed. A voice asking quietly " how you feeling Daddy".

It is slightly different now.

You are alone in your home, inveribly you have downsized your living space accordingly not by choice, you no longer have your dog.

Waking up to the smell of coffee or home made soup doesn't happen, maybe I am just feeling sorry for myself or perhaps I am just sick and worn out.

I wonder how many of you have felt the same and who cannot comprehend this because you have someone who loves and cares for you. You are truly blessed. Appreciate them and thank them even if its just a hug.

For my special friend who messages me to see how I am doing, bless you.

Nite all

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