Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Positive Art of Divorce

It sometimes takes waking up at 02h15 in the morning to see the flip side of the coin, life is a little strange that way.

I have been battling with a particularly stubborn case of depression in the last 10 days and have had to drag myself out of bed in the morning.
It was as if I had lost my way and desolation and despair had clouded my thoughts and swallowed my joy.
Then it hit me in the face like a cold fish, there were many positive aspects to my current situation.

I could make myself coffee and have rusks in bed anytime without the obligatory "what the hell are you doing sweetie, do you know what time it is"?
Strolling around the mansion naked in winter was permissible and required no explanation or justification.
All sides of the bed were my side and the only person who stole the duvet from me was well, me.
The toilet seat is always in the correct position.
The vegetable drawer in the fridge was the best place for beer and tonic water, this does make me smile whenever I open the fridge door.

It may all seem a little selfish and perhaps it is, but there is a definte sense of cavaliership about it all. I am tempted to enter my abode with sword in hand and a gleam in my eye daring the shadows to attack me.
To date they have refrained and thus my swordmanship and authority remains unchallenged.

It is now 03h15 and sleep beckons like a mermaid seductively luring me into her loving arms.

Nite all.


  1. Could we do coffee soon? Want to pick your brain about every alternate week.

  2. No problem Jerome will inbox you my cell

  3. Hi Ted, I have read most of your blog entries and can empathise with the pain you feel in the wake of a devastating divorce. At times, the future can seem, well, totally overwhelmingly hopeless. I recently signed up for a short 'course' on rebuilding your life by building a new family and network of single friends. The guy who writes them is Harlan Jacobsen and his website is full of helpful articles about all the issues one has to face after divorce. To receive these encouraging emails, simply send a blank email to:

  4. Thanks Anonymous, appreciate your information. Am very interested to know who you are :)
