"Lol just think for a moment lol 37, lives with a cat in a house with a grass roof, loves conjuring up things in her cauldron, never married, abducts children, feed them too much chocolate and sweets? I would have been burnt as a witch ;) lol"
The Witches Diaries
And yet she seems to have cast a spell on me without us ever meeting, is this possible or am I simply over analysing the situation.
Just let your hair down ( I have to wet it to get it to stay down), you deserve this after the last couple of years, the inevitable keep it friendly and stay in control, you don't want to rush into anything. Man o man there are so many thoughts, opinions and situations spinning through my head.
How do you feel Ted?
Um really?
Ok, well here goes. I feel like a school kid who is so excited he can't sit still, I am the 10 year old the night before Christmas waiting for Santa to arrive, I am the teenage girl watching Bella being kissed for the first time by Edward in Twilight.
I don't want to be careful and restrained and tread lightly, good grief I want to dive in clothes and all and see what happens.
I want to feel love and laughter and dance in the moonlight with another, smell the aroma of wine on her breath and stroke her hair as she rests on my shoulder. I want the air to smell sweet again and to fill my lungs with eyes shut tight.
To feel anothers touch as I hold her hand and feel the tears of joy build up as my heart dares to explode.
But what if she doesn't like you, what if she leaves you?
Then I have at least tried, I cannot wait and hope for an angel to fall into my lap, I have to venture out and explore. The risk for failure is there, but the opportunity for love is far greater and worth the risk.
So with a smile, a deep breath and a heart beating a little too quickly. I am off.
Nite all