Monday, July 4, 2011

Supper and Pole Dancing

Supper with a pole dancer, need I elaborate?
Well perhaps I should. Pole dancing originated in America in the 1920's when female dancers would perform in large tents using the tent poles as their prop of choice.
It is an activity that moved into strip clubs and often incorporated lap-dancing and more sensual forms of entertainment.

So tonight I had supper with a pole dancer, female of course as male pole dancing has never reached the acclaimed heights it might have due to agonising mishaps. The most significant being the dreaded 3 Adam Apple syndrome.

It is now common practice I have been informed for homes to have portable poles for "practice" and recreational reasons. I can imagine a quick twirl after a fondue and applause from appreciative dinner guests and family members.

So back to dinner, salad and a pizza pie, a caraffe of red wine and an conversation that ranged from pole dancing, trick or treating and touched briefly on parenting and women who sleep with knives under their pillows.

It is these special moments that makes me appreciate my diverse and wonderful friends and allows me make a statement as follows; I was taken to dinner by a pole dancer.

Nite all

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