Monday, May 9, 2011


I watched a movie that drew so many emotions from me last night that I just felt I had to write about it. My girlfriend (and yes I am smiling as I type this) suggested a movie called "Across the Universe". It is a musical based on the music of the Beatles set in America during the Vietnam War.

What really got to me was the draft system and how it was enforced. In South Africa, we had no choice and were sent off after high school to train to fight in a war we didn't believe in.

What infuriates me is that the 2 years wasted were gone, there were definitely aspects that were gained including special friendships and mental toughness.
Some folk were changed for the worse and some didn't recover.
War is simply a commercial exercise used to run corrupt economies and the impact on the pawns used to commit the killing is a calculated casualty.

You and I are simply numbers and as such are not entitled to think, speak or question the motive behind it. I admire those who protested against it and challenged the system, they called the government murderers.

"War! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!"

Nite all


  1. Hi Ted,

    Please give the name of the movie. I would like to watch it.

    Yes, the 2 yrs were wasted in some ways (imagine taking 2 yrs out of your life now - the financial and emotional impact), but you are right, for some there were benefits that have continued for a lifetime.

    Where did you do your 2 yr stint?

    They say the USA will go bankrupt without their war machine ticking over constantly - who knows if this is true or not. It sounds plausible.

    Good luck for the future.


  2. Hey Gav
    Its called "Across the Universe"
    Let me know what you think of it please

    I was in Heidelburg and then in Pretoria


  3. Hi Ted,

    War will always be there while we fight against going to war. There will be no war one day if enough people have marches in the name of peace.

    Some many people say you must fight for a relationship. I think more relationships will survive if more people just see the person for what they are and don't try change them and rather look for someone that is similar to their own self - then of cause you need to know self first. Learning to communicate successful is the key to a successful relationship with anyone.

