Monday, May 23, 2011

What a Man Wants Part 1

I have notice that the average ratio of magazines for women compared to men is steeply in favour of the ladies.

This isn't because men don't read magazines, but more so because men read specialised magazines aimed specifically at their interests. Men do not generally read articles on feelings, emotions, love and relationships, give them something on sport, hobbies, technology, wheels or beautiful ladies and suddenly they will sit up and take notice.

We are in fact a simple creature and as such there are times when we are doing nothing. Men can sit quite comfortably in silence and not feel the urge to break the peace, I mean silence.

Some drink, some exercise, some smoke, some watch tv and some just keep the peace at home.

We enjoy a bit of space that is our own.
Have you noticed that the home is almost exclusively decorated by the woman, yes I know we have no taste and we often collect junk.
The bedroom, kitchen, bathrooms, lounge and even tv rooms are inevitably the woman's terrain, ladies give your guy a space. Often he will say it isn't important, but grant him somewhere to put his singing fish, that painting or sculpture that would make Liberance turn in his grave or that item of clothing you couldn't convince the beggar to take for fear of expulsion from the Society of Professional Beggars and Politicians.

Don't take him shoe shopping with you, he would rather endure a prostrate examination after a Mexican meal, see it as an opportunity to spend time with a friend and do the most boring deed known to man since having to pick up his underwear.

To be continued . . . .

Nite All

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