Monday, September 26, 2011

Lost Art of Responsibility

What makes human beings different from animals in regards to parenting?

Agreed we all make mistakes and unlike the crime syndicates we cannot bury all our mistakes despite the pleasure it might bring us.
Yes, parenting is hard work!
Yes, we need a little help from our friends and these include the occasional indulgence of chocolate, coffee, alcohol or exotic displays of affection.

What I am leading up to is that in my humble somewhat disturbed and possibly selfish opinion, it supercedes and overrides the wants and needs of the parent.
Have I lost you? Kids come first, the choice to bring them into this world is not a hoohah of "look at me" but rather a case of love, encourage, discipline and supportive positive guidance.

Am I the perfect father?
Hell no! I have been impatient, snappy, stressed and not listened to my girls. I have overreacted and hurt them without realising it and I will never forget that.
I have also embarrassed them by driving in circles with them in the school parking lot, skipping down the walkways in shopping centres and singing back at choirs in the presence of my girls.

I have learnt from divorce to be a better Dad and listen when they speak, cuddle when they need it and support when it would be easy to criticise. Basically by treating kids with love and respect they will return the favour, by spending time with them and involving yourself in their life, they will not only accommodate you but gladly spend time with you.

You don't need to survive parenting, you can enjoy it and make it part of a combined relationship between you and your kids.
I also have a relationship with my litchi and avo tree in my lounge and yes with my beer. I speak to them.

But firstly my priority is to my girls.

Love you my angels.

Nite all.

Dedicated to single parents, your efforts are not overlooked.

1 comment:

  1. Prachtig l'article! Belle de trouver votre blog, Merci pour créer et partager cela!

    Job Responsibilities
