Monday, September 12, 2011

A Little Magic

My humblest apologies for my neglect of you, I have been self absorbed in work, life and an amazingly giving person.
I have been stealing sleep at night and running on empty with the taste of kisses lingering on my lips.

When we are blessed in life, sometimes the awe of the moment is too much to comprehend. We need to remove ourselves from the magic and try and understand what has happened.
Does it help?
No, because its magic.

So what is the conclusion? I know not and all I know is I smile a bit more, see moonlight differently and understand hope a little better.

So let me touch on the art of philosophy, I only see Unicorns with the aid of Jack Daniels, I used to only hear mermaids belching en route to the gents at a pub. And tears were only accompanied by sorrow and heartache. No more.

Tonight, I sleep with mermaids singing to me and Unicorns dancing in a pale sober moonlight.

I almost forgot the Lindt! It hides in drawers and giggles in the excitement of being unwrapped and savoured.

Sweet dreams all


  1. Interesting yet scary at the same time

  2. It was pretty damn ok Jerome. She is a real lady an was very gentle and patient with me.
