Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas for Singles

Does it seem that the Christmas period is one of the more difficult times when you are single?
By single I mean divorced, widowed or without a partner.

It is definitely a time for couples and family and somehow the singles get left aside.

I don't think it gets done on purpose, it just seems easier to entertain couples and not have lose ends hanging about. I battle to impose myself on friends and seem to withdraw even more in the safety of my cocoon of safety. It is also a time for family and if you are not able to be close to family, I fully understand what you are experiencing. So automatically I dread this time of year and find myself tensing even as I write about it.

I am tired of watching Series and have seen all the latest rentable movies, Facebook does not intrigue me and words like bored seem to appear.

I apologise for not being funny or uptempo, I shall leave you be. Perhaps tomorrow I will embrace all and do my impression of the Riverdance down the corridor.

Nite all


  1. Actually, Brother Ted, this time of the year is quite crap for many of us. I particularly hate the silly season. Even though I am in a relationship this Christmas –as I was last Christmas too- I am always reminded of bad things that have happened in my life around Christmas time. It seems to me that somehow when everyone else is able to 'Deck the halls and be jolly' they are able to escape their demons, but I can't. We, the thinkers and philosophers have it tough! While some can drench their melancholy in ‘Christmas cheer’ and call it ‘Joy, peace and goodwill to all men,’ guys like us reflect on our lives, our losses, our past dreams that have become a rather different reality! . A good (late) friend of mine once said to me that all good things come to an end... but bad things do too! Christmas will pass –and not a moment too soon for me- and we will dive into the New Year, new challenges, and yes, you will meet a new someone special. She will appear when you least expect it, and she will turn your world upside-down! She will be there in Christmases to come, and although she won’t banish the demons, she will stand by your side and fight them with you! Be brave. In a couple of weeks Christmas will be over and the next chapter of your adventure can be written. Oh, and by the way, whatever you do, don’t look down! 

  2. Haha thanks Al, you are a special man and one i am honoured to call a good friend.

  3. Hey Ted,
    My Brother-in-Law (58) is also "single", divorced, and his 2 kids (twins, 15) have been SO poisoned by their mother, that he hasn't seen them in almost a year now. He recently got himself a laptop, and connected to the interweb. Now Skype, and facebook, is his connection to friends around the world, and me sometimes for "HELP!!".
    Cathy (my wife), has a soft spot for Jerome, but hasn't met you yet - I am sure she'll sort out a "singles" supper evening soon, and Jerome, et al, and Ted, et al, will be joining us...

  4. Sounds amazing and look forward to it F-Stop
