Thursday, October 14, 2010

They have Arrived!

It is not easy to predict life and the path it weaves and casts before us, I am surprised, shocked, amused and enlightened by each day and sometimes each passing hour. A week ago I did not have my girls living with me and now they are, beds arranged and put together, mattress bought and so too pink cushion covers and fitted sheet.

Cooking for 3, extra clothes and shoes and brushes, they have not moved in, nope, they invaded, sought their spot and claimed it. I have female touches in my pad, have been informed what is lacking and a grocery list is evolving on my fridge door. There are conversations about music, appropriate table clothes, decisions about school lunches and sms's demanding my whereabouts and time of expected arrival at home.

There is also a stream of hugs, kisses in the morning and evening and dances in the kitchen. Boys are mentioned in passing, mostly with a smile and a change of subject. Boys are apparently not all evil little demons, some are cute and I do believe the words 'yummy' and 'ooooooh' also mentioned. I repond with bone cracking noises and am greeted with shakes of heads and rolling of eyes.

The cupboards are well stocked with food and the bathroom with shampoo, conditioner and toilet paper that seems to dissolve daily. It remains a mystery to me this incredible use of toilet paper and long hair everywhere. Do girls shed their hair!

But at nine the home becomes as quiet as George Michael in prison, as still as a wedding ceremony when the minister says 'if there be any who object, speak now or forever hold your peace' or when Granny gets the walking farts and doesn't notice.
Then it is silent and my girls recharge for the new day. I have an hour and then it is time to bid another day a tired farewell. It is raining outside and their faces are so calm and relaxed I wish I could just capture that moment forever.

Till next time and thank you.


  1. Glad to see you are enjoying the invasion!

  2. what an amazing description of living with teenagers, you write really well!
