Friday, November 12, 2010


I can't believe the weekend is here, no I am not going to say that 'yawn' I am a little 'yawn' well maybe I will close my eyes for a second just a zzzzzzzzzz

Good grief I feel like I have run a marathon or even worse, eaten too much pizza and now when I lie on my belly my head can't touch the pillow. What's happened? Is it the end of the year tiredness or is it sleep deprevation from my twenties that have all come at the same time to cash in their dues. Friday night and I have a headache and my bed is my best friend for tonight.

Perhaps I can try yoga but I have visions of snoring and disturbing the other yogimites, or there is also pilates! Stretching and rolling on large rubber balls and using inner muscles? Hang on! That could mean deep inner muscle cramps which lead to screaming like a 2 year old deprived of ice cream.

And what is left? Tryathlones haha the harder I try the more I deny! Running? Well my wobbly bits complain and there is a searing pain somewhere between my ears and toes. Swimming means wearing a really tight piece of rubber on my head and yes people point and laugh. Others fall off training bicycles and a man without a neck and steroids popping out of his eyeballs dropped a weight on his foot and used language that reminded me of a Walt Disney pirated 2D movie.

Enough, Sleeping Meds 3 - 0 Ted

Nite all

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