Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Stages of Life

There are stages in ones life that require different strengths, different skills and different motives.

When I was in the army, I required strength of mind and physical endurance to survive the first 6 months, sanity for the next 4 months and then the ability to play the game better than the system the following 18 months. It was a case of being one step ahead of the enemy, in this case a 18 year neanderthal who assumed he was God and made sure you remembered it.

It was a case of fighting fire and threats with stupidity and confusion, ignorance in the hands of many can humble a self made God and cause him to speak in rages that sent spittle flying like vegetables from a 2 year olds mouth.
If you succeeded in defeating them and the system, you had won and they had very little power over you.

Courting on the other hand involved charm, patience and hidden agendas, it was more espionage that direct confrontational warfare. You wou attempt to extract information with subtle hints, inexpensive gifts and kisses that would have sucked the false teeth out of a grannies mouth. The young passion, the gleam in the eye, the telephone calls that seem to last forever yet produced no answers. It was like hugging an octopus, you knew it was dangerous but convinced yourself you could leave at any time. And all this time the game of cat and mouse continued.

Then the male proposed, his offer was accepted after a few attempts and he assumed he had the upper hand. He would son be lord of his mansion with his young wife eager and willing and waiting on his new found wisdom.
Or so he assumed!
It was not long before the tables were turned, the hunter became the trapped deer transfixed in the road as the bright lights raced towards him. He felt no pain as he was stripped of title, his estate and his wisdom.
She had him.
She smiled sweetly.
She had him.

It is the circle of wife, sorry life and as such we live, love, gather memories and shed tears.

I have no regrets, only memories and maybe the slightest glimmer of hope.

Good nite

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