Sunday, November 7, 2010

Spin Cycle

Long before the invention of sliced bread and loin cloths there was a profound need for the washing of clothes on a more regular basis. It was apparently brought on by some Woman In Fanatical Evolution, let us refer to to her simply as WIFE.

WIFE so we are made to believe had an over developed sense of smell and when the all conquering all knowing fearless warrior returned from a 2 year crusade scarred and limping, he was banished to the river to cleanse himself. WIFE was ruthless, but she would engage in sweet grunts and kitchen groping if the groper did not smell more than the slightly off fish bit soup.

And that my friend is how the laundromat was born! So I sit at a bench with three other men, the machines hum and turn and silence grows. The last 10 minutes have taken an hour and I somehow long for the boredom of a doctors waiting room, at least they have magazines.

I have counted 10 flies circling the corner where a drum lies with a stick next to it. There is a sweet packet on the slotted table that has leaked and dripped onto the floor and a cheap clock on the wall just too high to be stolen easily.

It would be safe to assume that I didn't get the washing machine in the divorce, it wasn't worth fighting for as my girls would require it more frequently than me.
"What has gone behind does not determine what lies ahead"
Its on my wishlist to Santa along with lots of other toys I will save for another blog.

My machine has changed it pitch so I somehow hope that the end is nigh.

15 bucks for a wash, I think I will visit a grave site after this and take some photos, it is Sunday so expect more than just the average homeless person there and maybe even the chance of fresh flowers. If found I will place it on the blog for all to criticise and ponder.

Damn we have only reached 'rinse' mode, this is worse than attending the wedding of distant families pregnant teenage daughter to a nervous partner who feels he would rather be home studying for his exams.

Spin cycle, I am so close I can smell it! Oh for a mug of steaming filter coffee and a friendly face!

Done! Finished!

Off for some photos at the graveyard and then home.


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