Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dying Trying

I am in pain and my muscles have stage a strike meaning that I am incapable of moving, I went for a 18 minute spin in my body. A combination of walking, jogging and crawling as I attempted to get back home. The problem with living alone is that if you fall down, no-one will know!

I realised that my life was too simple and so added a exercise regime to my agenda, I am somehow convinced that my new washing machine has the distinct ability of shrinking my trousers, they are definitely tighter than normal.
So off I went with Steve Tyler blaring in my ears and my bulky shadow which I have been told weighs more than an new born baby dragging itself behind me.

At first it was ok, after 5 minutes I started feeling sharp pains shooting through my body as my feet screamed at my brain threatening cramps, ingrown toenails and warts the size of snails.
10 minutes and I was passed by a Mom pushing a baby in a pram and I could have sworn the baby shook its head in disbelief.
15 minutes and I had lost all feeling in my face and sweat was running off me like spittle off a St Bernard that had just drunk 2lt of water.

And then I was home, I am preparing myself for a bath an hope I will be able to get out of the bath, I will keep my cellphone close by just in case.

Good Nite

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA, too funny!!!! looking forward too seeing you later :) if you can move :)
