Monday, January 31, 2011

A Cool Monday Feeling

It seems to lurk in the shadows, smirking and laughing silently to itself, waiting for an innocent troop of victims who have as much chance of surviving it as the pretty blond girl in the horror movies. You know the one that hears the scream and growling noises in the basement and thinks, “Oh no, I better check it out and take this umbrella with me in case there is a shower scene”. So down the stairs she goes slowly, asking nervously “Who is there”! She has removed her iPod headphones of course, otherwise how would she hear the creepy scary music and deep breathing.

Umbrella set to stun mode, chest heaving in her slightly too tight t-shirt and battling with the creaky stairs in her knock-off high heels, she descends.
We might laugh at the ridiculous set of events, but in reality don’t we take the same attitude to our own creature in the basement? Lets call our monster “Monday” and see if any light bulbs suddenly switch themselves on. At the mere mention of the name of the worst day of the week, we sigh and grunt and mutter under our breath, we conjure up images of being dragged behind wild horses screaming to work, school or simply out of bed.


What prevents us from treating it like any other day, i mean if we renamed all the days of the week and called Monday ooh lets say Friday and then we can call Friday Monday. Too confusing? Good news is that Wednesday remains Wednesday.

All I am trying to say is, have a great Monday!

Chow everyone.

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