Wednesday, February 2, 2011

God, Gears and Good Friends

My day started with my girls pushing my car as we turned it around to drive forward, it was a classical "you might be a redneck if your daughters push your car cos reverse don't work" day.

I went for a haircut to try and change my mood, I partially paid my chemist account and had a cuppachino with a friend.
Then the day turned like a cat falling to the ground, Shane fixed my gears, his Mom gave me hope for financial recovery and I found my medicated sunglasses that make me look as cool as Michael Jackson doing a really hot Pepsi advert.

"C" added a new power word to my counselling and the word for today class is "perspective".
Basically life is hard, but smell the mould and realise that at least you don't have to water it.
If there is poo on the floor be glad its not on the ceiling and when you don't have reverse gear, use the five other gears you DO have.

God doesn't beat us with a stick, we are not in this mess alone and when life gets really difficult, well its ok to feel tired and admit it. To say you've had enough or can't take anymore is fine, to break down and have that emotional meltdown is fine and who the hell cares what people think. This is the hard one for me, I am so driven to put on the happy face and smile and crack jokes when inside I am broken. Forgive me but I am trying.

Yes God cares, yes He comforts and yes He longs for more from us.
I want my girls to open up to me, to be honest with me even when it hurts and to laugh and wrestle and tell me they love me. Which parent wouldn't want that? Do we ever say that or do we just mutter and grumble when things don't go our way?

The curving road is longer, but also more scenic if we remove our self pity blinkers and marvel at the beauty around us. I really want to try that.

Good nite all.

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