Tuesday, February 15, 2011


How many of you know what it means?
Yes it is that whatchamacallit they put in food that has the potential ability to sprout forth a third eye, grow hair on the palms of your hands and permanently stain your clothes if you spill it on them.

But it could also be something completely different, we have a little game we play at the dinner table called "MSG" time. In our partially normal universe it stands for, "What made you Mad, Sad and Glad today"? And so we go around the table and share and express ourselves to each other. It is not only therapeutic (although my girls have at times called it irritating) but allows for healthy conversation over supper.

So, didn't think you would get off that easily did you, what was your MSG moments today? And take a few seconds and list them, try it.
Mine are as follows:
Mad - I made a basic admin error that wasn't noticed by me , but was picked up by one of our juniors. I was wrong to get mad about it but I did.
Sad - in my counselling session I was saddened about the destruction divorce causes to all those around it. It can so easily harm innocent bystanders unless it is addressed and worked on.
Glad - I shared a bowl of popcorn with Nicole tonight as we watched the Mentalist together.

It also forces us in times of hardship and depression to find a ray of sunlight, some hope in a seemingly lost world.

Give it a try and let's see what comes out of it.

Good Nite All

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