Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Its No Party

I just don't get it sometimes.

You know those days where you feel a freight train is running over you and every time you try and stand up another coach hits you? Man o man i was low yesterday. Driving in a major thunderstorm and just feeling so down and sorry for myself that I needed a sympathetic voice and a friends ear.

But then fate dealt me a different blow, instead of a sympathetic ear and a gentle encouragement, I was taken by the collar and shaken, give a stern talking to and basically told to stop being ridiculous and pull myself together. I was instantly silence and a little shell shocked to say the least. Did it help?
Damn right it did, I had no answer for that! I was aware that it was not an easy path this divorce recovery and yet I seemed to have forgotten that I had been divorced for 14 months already. I had forgotten that I had a new home, I had my girls every alternate week and after a long struggle my house had been sold.

I had friends that cared and food at home.

Sometimes we need to be given a ragdoll shake, a little sympathy and another mini shake just to get the brain to arrange all our thoughts in perspectice again.

Did it make everything beautiful, did I have visions of vampires and werewolves giving each other manicures and facials, not quite. It just made me realise that depression is not a nice thing and it is part of the divorce process and perfectly normal. It is nothing to be ashamed of. It can be treated and managed and needs to be addressed, its not like a dog turd that will dry up and go away. Accept it, deal with it and learn to live with it, it is very possible.

So pucker up me beauties, there is still hope and where there is hope there is life.

Nite All

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