Saturday, June 4, 2011

Saturday for One

A day that rolled over from a previous evenings misery and dragged me to a depth of self pity I had not expected. I felt the desperate need to reach out, but the 2 folk I reached for didn't respond.

My angels spoke and I was sent on a shopping expedition for specific underwear, before I could I was enticed into an X-Men movie and a bowl of popcorn at 2 was my first meal of the day. The movie provided me with a glimmer of a smile and an escape from reality for a while.

Wonder what my mutant power would be? Mutating into a cigar smoking surley son of a gun with an itch for trouble, oh hang on that sounds like someone I used to date.

I saw many families, friends dining together, the girl in the green jersey was cute and had straight dark shoulder length hair, her dining companion had the look of a female predator, the look of one who could remove your heart and eat it as she fluttered her eyelashes at you. I ate and the sushi was spectacular, the first beer delightful and the second a wonderful encore.

I stared longingly at a triple layered chocolate cake with slivers of chocolate cling to the side like a like a pregnant woman clasping her partners hand as she gives birth. It was not to be, I tore myself away gasping for breath and headed home. It would be coffee for one.

There is a need for a coffee rendezvous where singles can mingle, chat and if need be head off for a movie or meal together. Now for some series and my first coffee for the day.

Nite all

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