Monday, August 2, 2010

The Art of Anger

It is indeed possible to upset someone by the use of a single word! In a conversation with your ex, the word 'mediator' is often confused with witchcraft, distrust, running over her cat or even mowing her herb garden because it smells nice. And the conversation pretty much deteriated from there.

Had I been in a somber state of mind or of a more passive disposition, I might have stopped there. But to truly kill a vampire, one must drive the stake in well and true and leave no area of doubt. Needless to say, my reception was as popular as a transvestite at a Springbok rugby training session.

The day was good with the normal minor irritations and the occasion curse flung at fellow drivers, lots of fun chatting to a good friend about a work colleague who would eat the heart of a newborn and then plead forgiveness whilst licking her fingers clean and oh yes, a dash of work thrown into the fray.

I ate too little then too much and kept the forbidden lager from my temple also known as my blessed belly. I avoided coffee as it was too late and would involve an early morning escapade to the loo on a cold tiled floor. This in turn would lead to a stroll around the apartment ending up at the biscuit cupboard, and thus it would result in a whisper of crumbs on my pillow.

I have heard a beautiful song by Linkin Park and a phrase that just made so much sense to me, 'I'm hard on the outside, but not all the way through'. Brilliant, almost like a burnt pork sausage, hard on the outside and raw within. Where am I going with this train of thought, no idea! Maybe I will return to it later.

Tomorrow is my brothers birthday, happy birthday Martin, hope you get this, call me. It is also the day before what would have been my 20th Wedding Anniversary. Enough said me thinks.

As Samantha Sleep begins sprinkling resting rust on my brow, I must bid thee a fond farewell till next we meet.

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