Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sex Today

Why is it that even though we live in a society where we are exposed to sex to sell us everything under the sun, are we still reluctant to discuss it comfortably?

The mere mention of sex and some folk are already squirming in their seats and the occasional blush sets in. We are by nature sexual creatures and as such have certain desires and emotions that allow us to share intimacy with a fellow human in a very private and pleasurable manner. Should we not be more open to discussing it or is it meant to remain a topic that is seen as taboo.

I would like to see the church take the lead in such a matter, and don't come with the whole guilt and damnation philosophy, but rather be less critical and more understanding. Maybe listen a little more and lecture a little less. Talking down to folk and as a father I have learnt the hard way, will not solve anything.

Please understand that this is by no means an attack on the church, it is just that we need to remain in touch with the reality that our youth encounter on a daily basis.

And what about divorcees, where do we fit in, are we meant to just switch off our 'equipment' for a rainy day, do we become monks and nuns and simply pretend that we have gone from a relationship where we were sexually active to complete celibacy? Wouldn't mind hearing the odd opinion here. And please don't come with the whole 'you should not have got divorced in the first place' argument.

So what is the answer and how do we address this matter and discuss it as mature adults? I think a lot of honesty and sharing is required and as little criticism and damnation as possible.

I was discussing this with a friend today and it was very plain to see that we are quick to judge and point as opposed to listening and hearing.
If you fall outside the comfortable parameter that your moral circle accepts as the norm, it is almost as if you are lumped in with a whole group of others and as such labelled and ignored.

I do not expect a solution from the first person I encounter, but to be able to share an opinion with folk who are open minded enough to realise that sex is, has been and will be happening so instead of sweeping it under a rug, let's be adults about it.

Don't ignore me, I won't go away.



  1. Good day Dr Ted. As you know im not married and funny dont really plan to either. So i will not be divorced. Very intressted to hear what others have to say on this matter. Would love to comment but hey. We will leave this to the experts. Shot

  2. Judge not lest ye be judged! No-one can judge unless they are in the situation. I agree with you and believe the Church does need to change with the times in terms of the whole divorce, sex issue. I am divorced (the divorce was not instigated by me) but am getting married again. My Church requires me to get special permission to remarry in the Church as I am a divorcee. So guess what - I am not remarrying in the Church, but believe that I have God's blessing. I don't believe He wants us to be unhappy, and the Church's rules are often man-made.

  3. Hey Ted... I really think that ,although there is more sex around us than eva before in human time, real people are participating very little in it. Every moment of the day you can see or hear a reference to sex , but how many of us are actually enjoying the real deal???
    Maybe it was better when it was alluded to ... maybe it kept it something we wanted.... like the shiny race car in the show room that it is all around us , has the excitement and mystery of it been diminished?? And just remember - you dont have to be divorced to be banished to a life of sexual loneliness... Married doesnt equal sexual satisfication.
