Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Ever had one of those days where you wish there was no law against tapping people on the head with a 10 pound hammer!

Yup, today was one of those! I felt as if I was crawling out of my skin and wanted to rub my eyes on concrete. Bloody hell, everything, everyone, all the little creatures were just ruffling my imaginary feathers the wrong way.

And what advice did I receive? A single word, "Breathe"

Think about it, we do this all the time, but when all about you are dragging their nails on a schoolroom blackboard what are you going to do?


Slowly, deeply through your nose, hold it and exhale out of your mouth. Repeat this 10 times, not 5 or 8 but 10. Keep your eyes closed and it feels as if someone is peeling off the layers of stress. Do it sitting down and rest your hands on your knees.

That's it.

Sounds too good to be true! What about a vibrating rabbit that will run over your back and has been blessed by Siberian Meditating Monks and tested in a Japanese speed train on 2000 passengers. But that's not all, it is solar powered and a single ray of sunlight will keep it running for 2 weeks. Its healing and relaxing powers are the equivalent of 100 Zen massages and 14 days of alcohol induced sleep therapy.

Music of Choice tonight 'Creed - My Own Prison'

I ended my day buying a piece of meat I have no intention of eating tonight, going to the neighbourhood Coffee Shop and having an Americano with warm milk. Then a 100m drive to park my vehicle and drag myself and my piece of meat upstairs to my flat.

Only post today, a letter for an overdue account and phonecall so far tonight for an overdue account. Is it my incredible powers of observation or is there some sort of pattern emerging.

Positive thought for the day - Divorce is like planting a young tree, it requires love and lots of crap to make it grow strong and produce fruit.

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