Friday, August 20, 2010

Home Away

I forget the exact period of time that we stayed in our home, but it must have in the region of 9 years. Our girls grew from toddlers and started school from there and I have the photos of them in their uniforms standing on the back patio with the typical Grade 1 smile complete with the missing front tooth.

I loved the large covered patio, the braai and entertainment area and our study, where I hid for the last few months before I left because of an agreement I now deeply regret. Love has a way of working against you and distorting logic and common sense.

Our wonderful neighbours Y and L and the great conversations at the wall, watching their boys growing up next door.

Our numerous dogs and the birds and fish and guinea pigs, the amount of people that passed through our doors and the friendships formed. Sadness and hurt also came through but that is another story.

Then we separated pending our divorce and it became a place that broke my heart every time I returned my girls to their Mom after having them for my weekend. What hurt even more was seeing the boyfriends car parked where my car used to be.

Then there was the period they moved out and it was broken into twice and vandalised. I had to get someone to stay in the house and get it on the market as quickly as possible, the sale is now underway and the bond has been approved to the buyer.

It has many wonderful memories, good friends, good meals, laughter and some amazing family time. Of course there were times of great difficulty and sadness including the evening I told my girls that Mom and I were getting divorced and then proceeding to try and and convince them that it was not their fault. I cannot forget their faces as they sobbed as the news sank in. It is the worst I have felt in my life and at that precise moment I felt like the meanest and saddest man in the world. Our dream had not only shattered, but it had splintered and hurt all of us.

So soon I hope to hand over the keys and close another chapter in my life.

Good Night all


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  2. I can only wish that as one door/chapter closes another opens...for you
