Monday, August 16, 2010

The Monday Mass Murderer

Well Monday reared its head like a spoilt 4 year old in Toys-R-us at Christmas time and that was the good part of it.

I found myself stumbling around the penthouse, medicated and unable to sleep, I ended having a slice of low Gi wholewheat toast with strawberry jam and 2 slices of processed cheese. Then played musical beds with one bed, not my proudest moment.

So where I am now on this momentous period of my life. My Renaissance phase, bloody hell I feel like an artist in the wrong era, or perhaps Michael J Fox at his prime in Black to the Future.

Honestly, I feel absolutely horrible today, down, tired, drained and a little shaky. Divorce has a way of looking for a hole in our armor and then hitting you hard and watching you bleed.

So have I seen any progress since it all began, I suppose I have or maybe I am just coping better with it. I tried no alcohol and that lasted a couple of weeks and I found myself smelling wine when it was opened. Strange? Never apparently all the wierdo's do it.

But I have made it through and have a haircut, eyebrow trim and then Rose (my alias for my hair technician) whacked me a couple of times on each shoulder. I wasn't sure what the appropriate response to that was so I smiled and waved!

Tonight I will see and old friend from my Army days, haven't seen him since 1985 so it will be great to chat about the past and see if the memories make sense. If any of my other Army mates are reading this, Tobie Willemse and I have finally managed to fit each other into our hectic social calenders.

Oh, by the way, if you were Monday where would you hide before you launched your full out attack on the world?
Somewhere between Sunday and Tuesday! Come on guys!

I forgot to partake of lunch today, so I am on the verge of peckish and starving at the moment. I shall return, but first Tobie, beer, memories and a fair amount of laughs.

Good night all

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