Tuesday, June 1, 2010

1 June Tuesday

Tomorrow my baby turns 12, wow what a lovely journey we have had together.

She has been a blessing and has had such a fighting spirit since she was born and analysed many months later with the hole in her heart, she never stopped smiling and fighting even when all the odds were stacked against her. I love you my precious Nicole.
You wear your emotions on your sleeve and continue to challenge boundaries and rules and are not afraid to ask why and will not settle for answers that do not make sense. Sometimes you even question logic and defiantly refuse to accept the norms that society insists on. Good for you.

I saw a quote today from a FB status of a friend that said, "Dream as if you have forever. But live as if you only have today" by James Dean.

Wow, what a quote and what a attitude to have. After the heartache of walking through my old home where so many years were spent as a family unit, so many memories, so many laughs joy and tears, I realised that this was all gone and though I mourn it and have to deal with the tragedy of divorce I am in a better place spiritually now than I have ever been.

Even though I mourn the loss of a 22 year relationship and daily contact with my girls, I am seeing the positive side to this madness we call divorce. My times with my girls are so eventful and fun that we spend more time laughing and experiencing life and less involved in the pettiness that causes only frustration and negative emotions. It is better to be alone than to be with one who loves another.

To W & C for an awesome meal where the girls could not stop asking for thirds and fourths and a lovely bottle of red as we discussed family and frustrations and trampoline assembly, these are the moments that make memories. Never turn down the opportunity to have a glass of red wine with friends, it reassures the soul and makes us realise that it is not all about us.

And today my Italian sedan returned from the workshop after 8 or 9 weeks with working brakes and a friendly hum in the engine, it felt so good to accelerate and smile and stop when intended, brakes are not a luxury but a necessity it seems.

So all in all a good day and a deep bath ended another Tuesday and moved me towards tomorrow, who knows what you have hidden lurking ready to surprise me.


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